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#1 Le 04-07-2022 à 05h40

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 8

My cromimi is more than a week pregnant, what can i do so that my cromimi can have her baby?? /static/images/forum/smilies/cromimi-triste.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/coeur.gif

Ten un hermoso día rosita <3

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#2 Le 04-07-2022 à 10h22

Membre Apprenti
Messages: 18

If this cromimi bug prevents you from going to the next level, you can ask in the conversation "l'actualité du jeu cromimi" that they deliver only one of your cromimi.If you make this request use google translation or other , to have your application translated into French. And don’t forget to mention the name of your crominette and your level.However, if this birth bug does not prevent you from moving to the next level, then you must wait patiently for the bug to be resolved.

Dernière modification par Stacysteff (Le 04-07-2022 à 10h24)

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#3 Le 04-07-2022 à 21h07

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Thats true. And when you are there you need when you start to writhe mesagge whrite "Bonjur" and when youre done you writhe "Merci"!

Dernière modification par Rina58 (Le 04-07-2022 à 22h56)

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#4 Le 07-07-2022 à 15h43

Membre Apprenti
Messages: 20

Have the same Problem for over an Month yet

for 3 Days i see that all my Girls can be pregnant again,but only 2 from all have born the Babys yesterday

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#5 Le 07-07-2022 à 20h21

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Lilly57 a écrit :

Have the same Problem for over an Month yet

for 3 Days i see that all my Girls can be pregnant again,but only 2 from all have born the Babys yesterday[/quote/]

Did you tell on "I'actualite du jeu cromimi!" or theyre born by theyr own self?

Dernière modification par Rina58 (Le 07-07-2022 à 20h22)

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#6 Le 08-07-2022 à 09h30

Membre Apprenti
Messages: 20

I dont speak French

Have tell it on French Side, so i dont now.

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#7 Le 08-07-2022 à 11h45

Messages: 20 103

Lilly57 a écrit :

I dont speak French

Have tell it on French Side, so i dont now.

Hello Lilly57

You can use a translator, for example the Google one.
I do it myself to write you here, because my english is insufficient.
It's very simple and it works in both directions : to make you understand and made a post, and to understand what is written in French there.

You have to make a minimum of effort too!!  /library/php/forum/views/smilies/roll.png

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#8 Le 09-07-2022 à 08h29

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Its true and I where use tlanslator bc I only know what means "Bonjur" and "Merci". /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-content.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#9 Le 09-07-2022 à 20h50

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 3

"l'actualité du jeu cromimi"


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#10 Le 11-07-2022 à 20h21

Membre Apprenti
Messages: 20

The problem is still there and I think it's a shame that nothing has changed for a good two months

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#11 Le 12-07-2022 à 20h05

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 11

yeah, it's pretty bad. This is advertised as a BREEDING Game and currently all you can do is dress them up and decorate their cages which is NOT my type of gameplay.

decided to stop playing for now. Might check back in in a couple of weeks. Will see. Maybe I close down my account and be done with it. Really sad.

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#12 Le 12-07-2022 à 22h23

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Well it is sad but no need to close account. They will fix it not to long but not to short too! I will wait as can I can wait. /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-06.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-content.gif

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#13 Le 23-04-2023 à 23h14

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 3

Hi, I’m having the same problem. Just wondering, where do you press to get to “l’actuellite du jeu cromimi”?

Hope the bug gets solved soon! /static/images/forum/smilies/cromimi-aaah.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-mdr.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/cromimi-triste.gif

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